Saturday, April 19, 2008

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Today I went to see "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" movie. I thought it was well done -- at least considering the purpose for which it was made: to promote scientific inquiry. The movie is obviously very controversial and there has been a great outcry from the supporters of neo-Darwinism. Just googling "expelled the movie" shows several sites/blogs that have been set up to discredit the movie. One of the sites is, set up by the National Center for Science Education (which clearly states that its purpose is to defend the teaching of evolution in schools, etc.). So, it is good that the movie is creating a stir...

Something that I've been thinking about are the all-to-common responses from the neo-Darwinists. I'll note a few of them here with my comments...

Evolutionists claim...
ID (Intelligent Design) proponents have not put forth any credible evidence (i.e. peer-reviewed articles supported by research) and thus argue that there is no evidence for ID. They dismiss the notion of the Evolutionary Establishment (i.e. a dogmatic system that promotes evolution) by stating that new scientific ideas that challenge the mainstream scientific beliefs still make their way through after the ideas have been scrutinized by the scientific community...

The fact is: ID challenges the very premise (i.e. there is no God, deity, intelligent designer, etc.) on which the entire particles-to-man evolution theory rests. The challenge is much more extreme than the claim half a millenium ago that the Earth is round and not flat. Because of this, it is practically impossible to get peer-reviewed because any premise other than the evolutionary one is rejected. Therefore, it's a catch 22: they argue that there are no peer-reviewed articles by ID proponents while articles that support ID are not peer-reviewed on the grounds that the premise contradicts the established evolutionary beliefs.

Evolutionists claim...
The theory of evolution is a scientific fact that has been proven.

There is not a single evidence that supports that
  1. natural selection has ever caused increase in the genetical information (as the term "selection" implies, it only selects from what's already available)
  2. mutation has ever created new genetical information (not just recombination of already available information)

All in all, the evolutionary theory is a theory of origins and thus is not demonstrable. It is one thing to demonstrate gravity at work, it is completely different to hypothesize about what happened in the past.

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